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Hi! I'm Engin

AI/ML Researcher with focus on AI-Based Decision Making and Computer Vision.

Languages/Tools: Python, C/C++, Bash Script, SQL, PDDL, Keras, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, Pyplot, Seaborn, OpenCV, Docker, Kubernetes, PySpark, SLURM, Git, Gym, Ray/Rllib, OpenAI Baselines, AIHabitat, CARLA, Pybind11, Langchain, CUDA

Let's have a talk!

My Projects/Publications:

-- Drive with RL and Frenet Trajectory Planning --


Highway Driving is a task that requires long-term and short-term planning. We developed an End-to-End Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach to achieve this goal. My contributions are mostly to reward function design and multi-simulation training archituecture.

If you want to see more. Github - Paper

  • Imlemented an OpenAI Gym Interface for CARLA
  • Designed a multi-simulation training framework with Docker
  • Trained and Tuned TRPO, PPO2, DDPG and A2C Agents on Kubernetes
  • Experienced with Frenet Trajectory Planning and Low Level Control (PID, Cross-Track Error)
  • Increased Speed, Comfort and Safety Metrics and Published Contributions in IEEE CASE 2021

-- Video Based Face Clustering --

Well, This project started with me wanting to know who came to my wedding. I implemented a framework which you can extract unique IDs from a video using OpenCV and Dlib Libraries. I spent quite amount of time for debugging and making sure that I catch everyone showed up :D.

If you want to see more. Github

  • Completed a demo that can identify Unique IDs from the Video
  • Got a further understanding of Cascading Classifiers, HOG and implications of CNN Layers
  • Implemented Affine Face Alignment (Centering, Rotationg, Scaling) from Face Landmarks
  • Experimented with Clustering Algorithms (DBSCAN)

-- Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (REIS) --


Yeap, This is how i gained interest in AI. I gathered a team to particiate in RoboSub2015. Goal was to navigate underwater and complete pre-given tasks. This was a full-stack hardware and software system design and implemetation.

If you want to see more. Design Specifications

  • Lead a Team that Designed and Built 6-thruster Underwater Vehicle
  • Implemented Perception Algorithms to Detect Shapes and Digits to Complete Tasks
  • Designed Mission Planner and Trajectory Planning Algorithm
  • Experienced with Kalman Filter and Sensor Fusion for state estimation
  • Designed a GUI and server-client application (C++) over TCP/IP for monitoring, testing and tuning purposes
  • Successfully Completed Qualifying Rounds and Competed in Finals

Let's Get In Touch!

Here is my Resume. Contact me, if you are insterested.

Santa Cruz, California, USA, 95062

+1 551-250-7436

Copyright © 2021 by Engin Tekin.